

What do you mean by Grabify?

Grabify is a completely free web-based tool that helps in grabbing IPs or URLs and shortening them. IP grabbing means to get or grab the IP addresses of people. But you should know that Grabify is the only tool that helps you to do so. There are a lot of IP logging sites like this on the internet.

How Will you use Grabify to know Someone’s location?

  • Then you need to click on “Create URL” A pop-up will arise that will ask you whether you have consented to the terms of use or not. You have to click on agree. After creating your URL successfully you will be taken to a new page with a lot of information.

How Does Grabify Work?

Grabbify is embedded with a tracker and a logger in the link. When the targeted person clicks on the link the tracker and the grabber both are activated. They start to run in the background and collect information about the device. There are a lot of companies that do the same with us and we do not know about it. That is why a lot of hacktivists aim at privacy policies and laws in several countries.

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